
The brand names you know and trust -
A partnership you can rely on

Our long-term relationships with trusted, world-class manufacturers results in our ability to get the products you need at prices you can afford.

Take our association with HP and HPE for example. Less than 1% of HP and HPE’s Partners have earned what we’ve earned—the carefully selected Specialist designation. We’ve attained Healthcare Specialist status. Concord Information Systems is considered an expert in the healthcare environment with superior HP-validated qualifications that range from small practices to immense healthcare systems. We are HIPAA Compliant.

We provide best-in-class business and IT network solutions, and can help with open standards-based network infrastructure. The respect and trust we’ve earned with HP will pay significant dividends in performance and return on investment for your technology purposes.

We are a Massachusetts SDO Certified Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)

165 Middlesex Turnpike    |   Bedford, MA 01730    |    781-863-7200    |

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